Cycle Addicts is your one-stop shop for all your biking needs. Our experienced team is fully trained and equipped to service and repair all types of bikes. We pride ourselves in selling top-quality products from the best brands to maintain and upgrade your ride. Our mission is to keep your bike running at its best year-round. We sell all types of accessories and components to fit your budget. We are passionate about biking, and we want to share that passion with our community. Come visit our shop and let us help you discover the joy of biking!
We treat every bike like it's our own!
Cycle Addicts started life as a small serviced focused bike shop in Rochdale and through our passion and knowledge, we grew over our first 10 years of trading into Rochdale's biggest and best stocked shop. After trying to grow the retail side year after year we changed path to go back to our roots of a more service and repair focused shop, Turning our back on the large online, multichannel store, we've gone back to what we think is needed from a local bike shop, A good efficient workshop offering sound advice face to face and a stock of good components to turn the service and repair around quickly.